MODULE 1: Introduction to Blockchain

Definition of blockchain technology
Historical context and evolution of blockchain
Types of blockchains: public, private, consortium
Overview of consensus mechanisms: proof of work, proof of stake, practical Byzantine fault tolerance

MODULE 2: Cryptography Basics for Blockchain

Cryptographic hash functions
Digital signatures and public-private key cryptography
Merkle trees and their role in blockchain

MODULE 3: Blockchain Architecture

Components of a blockchain: blocks, transactions, nodes
Smart contracts and their applications
Introduction to Ethereum and Solidity programming language

MODULE 4: Blockchain Platforms and Frameworks

Overview of major blockchain platforms: Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, Corda
Hands-on exploration of blockchain frameworks
Comparison of different blockchain platforms

MODULE 5: Smart Contract Development

Introduction to Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)
Writing smart contracts in Solidity
Deploying and interacting with smart contracts using Remix IDE

MODULE 6: Decentralized Applications (DApps) Development

Introduction to DApp architecture
Frontend development with web3.js or ethers.js
Integrating smart contracts with frontend applications

MODULE 7: Blockchain Security and Best Practices

Common security vulnerabilities in blockchain applications
Best practices for smart contract development
Auditing and testing smart contracts

MODULE 8: Real-world Applications and Future Trends

Case studies of blockchain applications in various industries (finance, supply chain, healthcare)
Emerging trends in blockchain technology: scalability solutions, interoperability, decentralized finance (DeFi)